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The American Mind

Feb 8, 2024

Republicans are seriously struggling to harness the momentum that Red-State governors have generated in favor of immigration enforcement. Is any Republican in Congress both competent and bold? Meanwhile, Nikki Haley suffered the latest and most embarrassing of her defeats in Nevada on Tuesday, losing a primary in which Trump did not participate, so that voters instead picked “None of These Candidates.” Plus: Elon Musk is doing some great things, including challenging Disney and other megacorps. Can he be a benevolent force, or is he a sinister transhumanist? In closing, a full complement of editors remind you to read the damn site.


Recommended Reading

First, Trans All The Children

Draining the Pentagon Swamp

Stop Hating the Puritans

Wretched of the University

The Delusions of Postcolonial Ideology

The Paradoxical Perversities of Postcolonial Ideology